3rd ICOLLITE papers have been published in international proceeding by ATLANTIS PRESS.
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3rd ICOLLITE papers have been published in international proceeding by ATLANTIS PRESS.
The proceeding can be accessed from:
Open registration May 1, 2020 |
Abstract Submission Deadline July 31, 2020 |
Abstract Acceptance Notification August 2, 2020 |
Registration Fee Payment Deadline August 20, 2020 |
Full-Paper Submission Deadline August 31, 2020 |
Publication Fee Payment Deadline August 25, 2020 |
PPT Upload Deadline August 25, 2020 |
Conference Date August 31, 2020 |
Results of Paper Review September 15, 2020 |
Paper Revision Submission Deadline September 25, 2020 |
1. Ph.D in Applied Linguistics, University of Malaya, Malaysia, 2008
2. MA in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), University of Warwick, UK, 1998
3. BA Hons in Modern English Language Education, University of Lancaster, UK, 1991
4. Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), University of Lancaster, UK, 1990
PUBLICATIONS (in past 5 years)
Munif Zafiruddin & Nor Fariza Mohd Nor. 2019. Non-Muslim Religious Practice and Muslim Response in Malaysian Inter-Religious Discourse. Asia Pacific Journal of Advanced Business and Social Studies.
NorZanita Othman, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Noraini Ibrahim. 2019. Linguistic Representation of Violence in Judicial Opinions in Malaysia. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, Vol 19 (3), 82-97.
Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Anis Nadiah Che Abdul Rahman, Azhar Jaluddin, Imran Ho Abdullah, Sabrina Tiun. 2019. A Corpus Driven Analysis of Representations Around the Word ‘ekonomi’ in Malaysian Hansard Corpus. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, Vol 19 (4), 66-95.
Asniah Alias, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Jamaluddin Aziz. 2018. The challenges of managing media in the face of uncertainty. International Journal of Humanities, Philosophy, Language, Vol 3, 21-29.
Mohd Muzhafar Idrus, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Ruzy Suliza Hashim, Raihanah Mohd Mydin Advice-giving roles and strategies in selected faculty member- graduate student advising. 2018. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, Vol 18 (2), 217-234.
Abduljalil Nasr Hazaea, Noraini Ibrahim, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor. 2018. Methodological challenges in crtical discourse analysis: empirical research design for global journalistic texts. e-Bangi Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol 12 (3), 2-21.
Marlyna Maros, Azianura Hani Shaari, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Siti Balqis Jaafar, Er Ah Choy. 2018. Exploring youths' attitude on palm oil industry in Malaysia, International Journal of Economic Research. Vol 15 (2), 365-377.
Ruhil Amal Azmuddin, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Afendi Hamat. 2018. Using iREAD in understanding online reading strategies applied by science and technology students . International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies. Vol 13 (3), 18-32.
Munif Z. F. Nordin, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor. 2018. Muslim religious practice and non-Muslim response in Malaysian inter-religious discourse, The Journal of Social Sciences Research. Special Issue 6, 363-369.
Ruhil Amal Azmuddin, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Afendi Hamat. 2017. Metacognitive online reading and navigational strategies by science and technology university students. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies. Vol 17 (3), 18-36.
Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Harith Faruqi Sidek, Raja Noor Azri Raja Noor Afandi, Mohd Hanafiah Omar, Hazelina Ghazaly, Mohd Yazid Abzal Khan, Zulhaidi Amil. 2017. Kajian jati diri kakitangan dalam organisasi Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, Vol 17 (4), 293-309
Mohd Muzhaffar Idrus, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor. 2016. Legitimation Analysis: Exploring Decision-Making and Power in Hot Bench. GEMA Online Journal of Journal of Language Studies, Vol 17 (4), 293-309
Syed Shah Alam, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Maisarah Ahmad & Nik Hazrul Nik Hashim. 2016. A Survey on Renewable Energy Development in Malaysia: Current Status, Problems and Prospects . Environmental and Climate Technologies. 5-17. doi: 10.1515/rtuect-2016-0002 (Scopus)
Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Fuzirah Hashim, Supyan Hussin, Jamaluddin Aziz Connecting the senior citizens with ICT: The development of portal komuniti kita. 2015. e-Bangi: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Special Issue 2 (2015), 108-116.
Mahanita Mahadhir, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Hazita Azman Mixed-Heritage Individuals: Claiming Legitimacy with Limited Heritage Language Abilities. 2015. International Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, 2(4): 62-71. Published online September 28, 2015 (http://www.openscienceonline.com/journal/ijllc).
Firooz Namvar, Noraini Ibrahim and Nor Fariza Mohd Nor. 2015. Lexical difficulty of Fixed word Combinations in the Writing of EFL Students. Journal of Applied Sciences, 15 (2), 306-310. (ISI, WoS)
Abdul Jalil Nasr Hazea, Noraini Ibrahim, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor. 2014. Discursive Legitimation Of Human Values: Local-Global Power Relations In Global Media Discourse. GEMA®Online Journal of Language Studies. 14 (1),171-187. (SCOPUS)
Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Hazita Azman, Afendi Hamat. 2014. Investigating Students’ Use Of Online Annotation Tool In An Online Reading Environment. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature®. 14 (1), 87-1-101. (SCOPUS)
Nor Fariza Mohd Nor, Hazita Azman, Afendi Hamat. 2014. Investigating Students’ Use Of Online Annotation Tool In An Online Reading Environment. 3L: Language, Linguistics, Literature®. 14 (1), 87-1-101. (SCOPUS)
Nor Yazi Hj Khamis, Supyan Hussin, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor. 2014. Competencies of English for Academic Purposes Educators at Engineering Universities: A Conceptual Framework. World Applied Sciences Journal, 30 (Innovation Challenges in Multidiciplinary Research & Practice): 62-69 (ISI, SCOPUS).
Abduljalil Nasr Hazaea, Noraini Ibrahim, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor. 2014. Discursive Legitimation of Human Values: Local-global Power Relations in Global Media Discourse. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 14 (1), 171-187.
Book (English)
Radha M. K. Nambiar, Nor Fariza Mohd Nor & Mohamed Zain Sulaiman (eds). Action Research: a Window to New Experiences in Teaching and Learning. In Action Research: a Window to New Experiences in Teaching and Learning. Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Lulu Laela Amalia is a lecturer at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, West Java. She has been teaching both English language skills courses and English language teaching courses since 2007. Her research interests are TEFL, Reflective Practice, Teacher Professional Development, and Narrative Inquiry in ELT. She completes her doctoral degree on ELT at Universitas Negeri Malang, East Java. Her email address is luluamalia@upi.edu.
Budi Hermawan is a teaching staff at the Departement of English Education, UPI. He completed master degree from school of English, Film, and Media, Sydney university, majoring in professional communication. He learned multimodal studies from Van Leeuwen during a visiting scholar program at UTS, Australia. He completed his doctoral degree at UI. His research interest centers on multimodal studies, social semiotics and SFL. He has written two books, Multimodalitas dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Analisis Multimodalitas dalam Teks Sains, and one book chapter published by Routledge.
Afi Fadlilah is a teaching staff at the Departement of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, UPI. She completed master degree from linguistics study program at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM. She completed her doctoral degree at UGM. Her research interest centers on sociolinguistics studies. She has just completed her research on “isolek masyarakat tutur di Kabupaten Cirebon (kajian geolinguistik)” funded by DIKTI for three years.
Rudi Adi Nugroho is a lecturer in the Departement of Indonesian Language and Literature Education at the Indonesia University of Education, Bandung. His interest study of literature especially drama, multimedia innovation in learning, and model of teaching. He was created a software “Sulira” for support learning drama with dubbing technique. His works have been published in several journals and proceeding.
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